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Make Mom Happy This Mother’s Day!

Weekly Specials

Valid 04/26 – 05/02


*In Select Locations

59¢ per Lb.

Fresh Chicken Drumsticks

*Regular or Marinated, In Select Locations

97¢ per Lb.

Swai Fillet

*Frozen/Defrosted, In Select Locations

$3.47 per Lb.

FUD Ground Cotija or Oaxaca Cheese

*Sold in 16 oz. Bag or BulkIn Select Locations

$4.97 per Lb.

Bimbo Soft White Bread, 20 Oz.

*In Select Locations

$1.99 Ea.

Pepsi Soda 6 Pk., .5 Liters

*When you purchase 2 in a single transaction, +CRV, In Select Locations

$3.99 Ea.

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