Simple, económica y deliciosa para esta temporada de Cuaresma!
Sirve caliente y puedes agregar unos plátanos que la una dulzura increíble


- 6 Tomates Roma
- 1/2 Cebolla
- 1 LB. Lentejas
- 2 cads. Aceite Oliva
- Puré de tomate
- Consome de Pollo
- Sazonador Caldo de Pollo
- Sal al Gusto
Modo de preparación:
- Blend the tomatoes with the onion and set aside.
- In a large pot, cook the lentils with enough water to cover
- In a medium hot pot, heat the olive oil and put the tomatoes and liquefied onion. Add tomato puree and season with chicken bouillon.
- Once the lentils are cooked, add them to the tomato broth.
- Let it boil, add chicken broth and taste for seasoning.
- If you prefer you can grind some lentils to improve the texture of the soup.

A disfrutar!